Panama’s Purpose Sinks SeaTac, Serves Savannah Superbly — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Panama’s Purpose Sinks SeaTac, Serves Savannah Superbly

Mode - Bulk 136 Mode - Containerized 1473 Mode - Seaborne 1804 Mode - Tanker 183 Theme - Canals 133 U.S. 5323

Shipments via the Panama Canal increased 7% on a year earlier in May, with the highest number of neopanamax crossings yet. It also likely took market share from the Suez Canal which has seen an 8% drop. Tonnage likely increased on a year earlier due to the introduction of neopanamax vessels, though fell 1% on a month earlier due to more maintenance. That will worsen in June with 6% of transits becoming unavailable. The impact on U.S.-bound shipping is a shift in share of Asian shipments to southeast ports (which added 0.2% points of share on a year earlier) from those in the northwest (w...

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