South Korea’s Lowest U.S. Surplus Since 2013 Helpful Before KORUS Talks — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

South Korea’s Lowest U.S. Surplus Since 2013 Helpful Before KORUS Talks

Info Tech - Tech Hardware 803 South Korea 581 Theme - Shipbuilding 108 Trade Balance 932 Trade Deals 1000 U.S. 5325

South Korea’s exports jumped 19% on a year earlier, outstripping import growth for the first time in three months. The expansion in China-bound shipments, at 11%, should continue given the optimistic outlook from managers there. Shipbuilding and semiconductors accounted for 85% of the growth in dollar terms. The former should prove sustainable given recent order data from the shipyards. Export growth to the U.S., at 7%, was the fastest rate of increase since February 2011, but still lagged the 16% import increase. That brought the 12 month trailing trade surplus vs. the U.S. down to $18 ...

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