Uranium Case Active For Longer as Russian and EU Exports Surge — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Uranium Case Active For Longer as Russian and EU Exports Surge

Energy - Conventional 448 European Union 827 Materials - Metals/Mining 752 Russia 119 Tariffs 1795 U.S. 5318

The U.S. Commerce Department has extended its national security review of the uranium industry by two weeks to give more time for comments. While less contentious in terms of national security characteristics than the section 232 automotive review uranium is still a significant product ($2.8 billion of imports in the 12 months to July 31) with a complex supply chain. Russian exports to the U.S. surged 22% higher in the three months to July 31 on a sequential basis though overall imports are in a longer-term secular decline. Additionally consideration should be given to imports from the E...

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