Samsung’s Shipment Slip Slashes Mexican Exports but Deficit Dips — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Samsung’s Shipment Slip Slashes Mexican Exports but Deficit Dips

Cons. Discr. - Autos 1186 Industrials - Capital Goods 585 Info Tech - Tech Hardware 803 Mexico 887 Trade Balance 932 U.S. 5325 USMCA 456

Mexico’s trade deficit for October, at $900 million, was half the level of the previous three months. Imports dropped 6% and exports slid 5% on a year earlier. Panjiva data shows one of the biggest drivers of the decline in exports was a halving of shipments of TVs and monitors by Samsung. This offset a 23% increase in auto exports. Trade with the U.S. similarly fell. Despite a 5% drop in exports to the U.S. Mexico retained a surplus of exports over imports for the eighth straight month. A 13% drop in the peso since the U.S. elections may reverse this trend later in November but more lik...

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