Trina, Hanwha Hope for Brighter EU Solar Future — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Trina, Hanwha Hope for Brighter EU Solar Future

China 2979 Energy - Renewables 185 European Union 832 India 515 Tariffs 1801 U.S. 5325

The European Commission may reduce the period of tariffs on Chinese solar-panels in order to speed the delivery of its renewable energy targets. This will also help improve worsening trade relations. Panjiva data shows the tariffs were successful, with an 86% cut in exports to the EU in the 12 months to November 30 vs. 2011. However, Chinese exports have slowed further, with a 29% drop in global shipments over the last three months due to reduced demand from the U.S. Producers including Trina Solar and Hanwha Q Cells have needed to find new markets, with India being one area of success.<...

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