Canada Eats and Drinks Its Way to a Deficit As Energy Saves the Day, Again — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Canada Eats and Drinks Its Way to a Deficit As Energy Saves the Day, Again

Canada 496 Cons. Discr. - Autos 1186 Trade Balance 932 U.S. 5325 USMCA 456

Canada’s run of trade surpluses ended with a C$970 million ($720 million) deficit in February, compared to economists’ expectations of a C$600 million surplus. The first increase in imports in 12 months was the likely driver, including a return-to-normal of “special items” (read: miscellaneous and adjustments) as well as increased food and tobacco consumption. Exports increased 4%, but this was due solely to an increase in energy sales. Without these exports actually fell 4% on lower pharmaceutical, aerospace and auto shipments. The energy effect meant that Canada’s trade surplus with th...

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