Supply Chain Edge: Disjointed world, Tesla’s woes, bad canal choices — Panjiva

Supply Chain Research

Supply Chain Edge: Disjointed world, Tesla’s woes, bad canal choices

Argentina 58 Brazil 400 China 2988 Cons. Discr. - Apparel 506 Cons. Discr. - Autos 1196 Cons. Discr. - Durables 527 Cons. Discr. - Retailing 480 Consumer Staples 769 Corp - Shipping 987 Denmark 8 Earnings 738 Energy - Coal 66 Energy - Conventional 450 Energy - Crude Oil 301 European Union 840 India 523 Info Tech - Comms Equip 235 Info Tech - Tech Hardware 813 Israel 22 Materials - Chemicals 248 Materials - Metals/Mining 764 Mode - Containerized 1483 Mode - Seaborne 1813 Norway 5 Strikes 73 Sweden 19 Theme - Canals 136 Trade Balance 933 U.S. 5335 UAE 25 United Kingdom 375 Vietnam 382

• Supply chains in 2024 face higher labor costs which may hinder investments in resilience. Firms are returning to “just in time” rather than “just in case” inventory strategies and diversification of suppliers is falling. Reshoring continues, however, as firms look to cut costs and risks even as corporate cash flows remain pressured.
• New data shows that US seaborne imports recovered more quickly in November, although a faster-than-normal seasonal dip may hold the seeds of a new slowdown. Tequila’s growing dominance drags on other spirits’ supply chains, including cognac.

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